1600 Maple 
P.O. Box 3010 
WA, 98632 


LCC Home
Change Password

Please submit this form if you already have a password, but wish to change it.

Password Rules:

  • Minimum length: 10
  • Maximum length: 60
  • At least one (1) Lower Case letter
  • At least one (1) Upper Case letter
  • At least one (1) Number

ctcLink ID
Do not know your ctcLink ID number? Check your LCC Student ID card or retrieve it here.
Last Name
Birth DateMonth:Date:Year:
Year example: 1982
New PasswordConfirm
SUBMITReport Issue(s)

Deletion Of Former Student Accounts

Student Terms

  • Username and Password - New students must obtain their Username and Password in order to access campus computers, library databases and their college email account. After submitting the initial request, a password is assigned, which can then be changed by submitting a request to Change Password.
  • Student ID Number - A nine-digit number (example: 101123456) that is printed on the student's ID card. It is needed to submit a request to Change Password and to access online services.

Students should record their Username and Password so they can remember them, and take steps to keep them secure.